Around Town Session with Senior Model Rep Michela


The first thing that struck me about Michela at our first meeting was her mesmerizing green eyes! (I was probably staring at them a little bit to be honest.) The second thing was her incredibly warm smile and personality. She was as sweet as her eyes were sparkly. She had expressed that she really wanted a field of flowers for her senior session so I made a few suggestions for locations that would give her that look but then also some variety. 

We started in my fave (not so secret) spot tucked away in a corner of an alley. I just love texture and color of the ivy and brick. Then we walked around Crown Point Square, where you never know what you'll find in the shop windows. I loved the vintage signs that were on display. Those Coca Cola signs combined with classic jeans and a cute little beauty mark really gave me some 90s supermodel vibes.

The 2nd half of our session brought us to the fields of wild flowers and tall grasses. I love the dreamy feel of the grasses blowing softly in the wind and the evening light giving everything a glow. 

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1. You're going on a road trip. A: Where are you going? B: What one person are you driving with? C: Which song is definitely on your playlist? D: What's your must have snack?: If I were to go on a road trip it would probably be with my friend Abby, any song by Hannah Montana would be on our playlist and a must have snack would be Cheez Its!

2. If you were putting on a concert for your school, which three bands/artists would you book?: If i were to put on a concert for my school the three bands/ artist would be Post Malone, Bruno Mars, and The Weeknd!

3. Movie you could watch over and over?: A movie I could watch over and over again is Lilo and Stitch, I was obsessed with that movies when I was younger and still am to this day!

4. Tell us one stand out memory from your year so far.: One memory that stands out from my year so far is one night I was hanging out with friends and we all were leaving and it was a super windy night and we got out to my car and there was just a trampoline sitting on top of my car. I don't think I'll ever forget that night!

5. Dream job when you were a kid? Dream job now?: My dream job when I was a kid was to be an actress and now my dream job is a neonatal nurse, I love working with babies!

6. What skill would you like to master?: I would love to learn how to play the piano!

7. Fave Quote:: My favorite quote is "Be who you are, and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." by Dr.Seuss

8. 3 words your friends would use to describe you: : Three words my friends use to describe me is caring, funny, and spontaneous!

9. What do you value most in a friend?: I value trustworthiness in a friendship because it's always nice to have a friend you can trust with anything!

10. Favorite way to treat yourself?: My favorite way to treat myself is by shopping, i absolutely love to shop!

11. Tell us something about yourself that not everyone knows.: Not everyone knows that I'm actually really outgoing, at first I might seem kinda shy but once I get comfortable around someone I am very outgoing!

12. What would a world populated by clones of you be like?: I feel like a world populated of clones of me would be a very caring world, I think that I have a really caring heart so I everyone would just be nice to everyone.

13. For what reason did you last cry?: The last reason I cried was because I watched High School Musical 3 and it made me realize that I'm growing up and I'm not a kid anymore so it made me a little sad to think about while watching it!

14. What's the last thing that made you laugh?: The last thing that made me laugh was my friend Halle, no matter what we're doing were always laughing!

15. Name something you are proud of.: I am proud of myself for not being as shy as I used to be, I have defiantly become better at making new friends and trying new things!

16. What fictional place would you most like to visit?: A fictional place I would like to visit is Neverland, because then I would never have to grow up!

17. What is one of your favorites smells/scents?: One of my favorite smells is Vanilla Bean!

18. You are building a virtual time capsule commemorating your senior year. What 3 things would you include?:The three things I would use from my senior year would be Prom, going to a cubs game, and getting the job I have now because it's how I made one of my best friends!

19. Your advice for incoming freshman:: Enjoy your time in high school because it files by and before you know it you'll be walking across that stage to get your diploma!

20. What are your plans after graduation?: My plans for after graduation are to attend IUN and major in Nursing!

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

Best of luck sweetie! It was such a pleasure working with you and getting to know you!